The Searcher - January 2023
What’s new in this issue?
Our EXCLUSIVE cover story is a beautifully crafted gold medieval annular brooch. Its sun in splendour design has associations with the emblem of Henry IV and together with the crown motifs could well have royal connections. Finder Ray Finkle describes the day of its discovery and Adam Staples researches this high-status brooch. Other exclusives include an extraordinary Bronze Age hoard found in Scotland and another Bronze Age axe hoard from Norfolk. William Burleigh reports on the stunning discovery of a rare gold Roman annulet case too. Exclusively we also have Part one of a field test for the new Minelab Manticore written up by Gordon Heritage which is a global first! There’s also a product review on two new Minelab spades and news on two new products from XP. There’s so much more in this issue!
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